How Does it Work?
Many people are “beside themselves” or “out of their bodies”, out of touch and even disconnected due to the stress-induced responses of our daily lives.
Stress does not merely afflict your mind, it can also affect you on a cellular level. In fact, long term stress can lead to a wide range of illnesses, from headaches and stomach disorders to depression. It can even increase the risk of serious conditions like stroke and heart disease. Understanding the mind-stress-health connection can help you better manage stress and improve your health and well-being.
Dr. Alfred Tomatis devoted at least 50 years to understanding the ear and its function. He believes that the ear choreographs the body’s sense of balance, rhythm and movement. The ear is the orchestral conductor of the entire nervous system. It keeps us aware of the position and movement of the head and the direction of gravity. This allows us to move in a balanced and coordinated way. Through the medulla, the auditory nerve connects with all the muscles of the body, and therefore muscle tone, equilibrium and flexibility are also directly affected by sound. The ear’s vestibular function also influences the eye muscles, affecting our vision. Through the vagus nerve, the inner ear connects with the larynx, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, bladder, kidneys, small and large intestine.
Benefits of Sound Healing
It is important for you to realign and rejuvenate when you are out of balance. Sometimes it can be as easy as getting more sleep, taking a day off, getting outdoors to enjoy nature, or having fun and laughter. However, when it is not that easy to reset, then it is beneficial to have assistance and encouragement from the outside. Harmonic sound therapy encourages healthy connections between your emotions, mind, body and spirit.
An Integrated Sound Healing Session can help:
- Reduce stress and tension
- Balance chakras and energy field
- Approach a deeper level of awareness
- Find inner peace and empowerment
- Connect to your inner wisdom and guidance
- Get in touch with your feelings and your body
- Increase energy and vitality
- Release old feelings and beliefs
- Quiet the busy mind
- Be more comfortable
- Feel stronger, centered and present
Sound Healing Tools
The gong is an agent of transformation. The sound is non-linear producing a wave-like blend of overtones and undertones that carry the listener on a journey out of ordinary reality. The sound of the gong is unique to each person as it takes the listener deep into their own experience … clearing, aligning and balancing.
Himalayan Singing Bowls
High Quality Himalayan Singing Bowls produce a complex chord of harmonic overtones as well as warm bell tones. They are instruments, producing multiple harmonic overtones at the same time. The overtones are a result of using an alloy consisting of multiple metals, each producing its own overtone. Their sounds can create therapeutic effects of tranquility and balance for the mind and body.
Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl
Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are made of 99.8% silicon quartz and each sounds a musical note. One reason why these pure tones vibrate our body is that it has a natural affinity to quartz. The human body is composed of many crystalline substances; bones, blood and DNA are crystalline in structure as well as the liquid crystal-colloidal structure of the brain. Even on a molecular level, our cells contain silica, which balances our electromagnetic energies, and this is the same formula as natural quartz crystal.
Solfeggio Tuning Forks
Solfeggio Tuning Forks work with calibrated frequencies to create vibrational harmony. Using these frequencies can release blockages in the energy bodies and help restore balance. The six frequencies of the Solfeggio scale work with: Liberating guilt and fear; Undoing situations and facilitating change; Transformation, connecting and relationships; Expression and solutions; and Awakening intuition.
Tingshas are hand-held cymbals that are made of blended metals, just like the singing bowl. The sound of the Tingshas is like a summons. It brings us to the “here and now.” In meditation, tingshas are used to indicate the beginning and the end. Some teachings say that they can be used to push or fill energy and diagnose energy blocks.
Ganta Bell
The Ganta Bell or Drilbu is a universal symbol of transcendent wisdom (feminine), and the Dorje or Vajra is the representation of the radiant and indestructible power of compassion (masculine). The Ganta and the Dorje are always used together.
Still curious? Learn what to expect in my Integrated Sound Healing Session.
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