In these monthly “readings,” I find meaning in each month’s astrological positioning and connect it to the physical body and my intuitive take on the universal energy. My goal is to provide guidance and understanding as a collective. Each month is applicable to everyone.
The Stars
The fall equinox on September 22 ushers in the energy of Libra which flows from September 23rd to October 22nd. This energy embodies the potential to bring balance, love and harmony into the world. This cycle reminds us that as you create harmony within yourself, you have the capacity to create harmony and balance in the world. Similarly, Libra also reminds us to use our power for our highest good, which influences everyone in our lives—and around the world—to show their own highest good.
The Body
Libra rules the energy of the urinary tract and the adrenal glands. Physically, the adrenal glands sit atop our kidneys—the two organs working together to balance the water and salt system of our bodies. But this balancing act also occurs energetically. The adrenals are very powerful in regulating a response to stressful situations. They produce hormones that connect us energetically to the qualities of power, emotions and relationship presenting in the second (sacral) and third (naval) chakras. And within the kidneys, we are able to create rhythm and flow.
Tips for This Cycle:

Practice Mindfulness
This is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, calmly accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations with an attitude that is non-judgmental, curious, and kind.
- Notice your Breath: Stop and take a moment to resettle yourself with your breath. Breathe in through your nose to the count of four, breathe out through your mouth to the count of four.
- Put down your phone: Take time to notice, be curious and stimulated with what is around you. Tune into the sensations, information, and messages that being an observer can deliver.
- Do one thing at a time: Multitasking can be a gift at times, but switching between tasks takes up more time and makes you more prone to errors. Allow yourself to slow down to notice and experience even seemingly mindless tasks like folding laundry or doing dishes.

Support and Balance Yourself
Sometimes breaking things down helps to problem-solve. When you feel a conflict, ask yourself … is this coming from the physical, emotional, or mental level? Check in with yourself to explore how you’re doing in these three areas. With the insights gained from this practice, you can identify simple and focused solutions to meet your needs. Take a deep breath and acknowledge that the person who needs you the most is the one you see when looking in the mirror.
I hope you found this as a helpful as a guide to navigate Libra season. If you find yourself stuck and looking for clarity, please reach out for intuitive energy support.
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