In these monthly “readings,” I find meaning in each month’s astrological positioning and connect it to the physical body and my intuitive take on the universal energy. My goal is to provide guidance and understanding as a collective. Each month is applicable to everyone.
The Stars
The journey through the zodiac continues with the earthy sign of Virgo, flowing from August 23rd to September 22nd. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury and symbolizes communication, intelligence and elegance. It is the planet of day-to-day expression and relationships. For better understanding, Virgo divides the personality into three levels of being—the body, the mind and the spirit—with a goal of purifying, healing and bringing light into the physical world by expressing through these three levels. Purification inherently comes with loving yourself. Try to focus on the good aspects of yourself and others. Let go of criticism and judgement—if you practice self love, it will open you up to supporting others with kindness!
The Body
In the body, Virgo is in charge of the proper functioning of the digestive system. Some teachers suggest that all levels of life relate back to digestion—what we take in and how we are able to digest, absorb and eliminate.
Three Tips for This Cycle:

The Sushumna Light Focus
The Sushumna Nadi runs along the spine and goes through all the main chakras. The energy that flows from the Sushumna Nadi is saturated with raw, creative force energy. It is awakened when the mind is calm and tranquil. When awakened, the mind longs to enter the inner world. Sit with your neck and spine straight. Breathe evenly through both nostrils. Imagine a column of light from the center of your forehead to the end of your spine and focus your attention on the peacefulness of that light.

Auto Suggestions
Repeat verbal suggestions throughout your day to focus your mind and attention. Try these:
“My body, Mind and Spirit are balanced and healthy.”
“I am Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.”
“I see a clear solution for every obstacle.”

Infinity Loop Balance
Visualize an infinity symbol several inches in front of your forehead with its center lined up with the middle of your forehead. Trace and follow it with your eyes, starting at the center and following to the right, around the loop, over to the left and around several times. Repeat, reversing the direction with your eyes.
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