In these monthly “readings,” I find meaning in each month’s astrological positioning and connect it to the physical body and my intuitive take on the universal energy. My goal is to provide guidance and understanding as a collective. Each month is applicable to everyone.
The Stars
The Aquarius cycle starts on January 22nd and ends on February 18th. The air sign of Aquarius takes all of the knowledge learned in Sagittarius and Capricorn seasons and pours it onto the earth. A deep connection is then made between the heavenly and earthly realms to share this knowledge on all planes, with the collective. Awakened Aquarius energy is highly intuitive—our words are like prayers, and we can communicate the wisdom we receive to others.
The Body
In the body, Aquarius rules the blood vessels of the lower limbs and general blood flow. The veins hold 80% of our blood and its flow is influenced by the surrounding muscles and the negative suction of the heart. By physically moving ourselves with exercise and activity, we stay flexible and are open to change. The heart is ruled by Leo and the Sun, which is the source of life and joy. Our blood then carries this joy and nourishment to our cells.
Tips for This Cycle:

Our feet carry us and connect us to the earth. Energy can get clogged in the “gait reflexes”, which are the spaces between the bones on the tops of your mid-feet.
With your fingers below each foot and your thumbs on the gait reflexes, massage and smooth the energy down each of these spaces with your thumbs. You might be surprised by the tenderness you find here.
Next, rotate your ankles and each toe with your hands. Finish by massaging the bottoms of your feet. Enhance the massage by using jojoba or coconut oil, and you can add peppermint oil in the morning (to energize) and lavender oil at night (to relax). (Read more about essential oils here and explore my recommended oils here.)

This exercise is from Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine. It is very simple to do and incredibly balancing. A great deal of energy is processed in your brain and skull, but it can become stagnant if it doesn’t release and move out through the energy center at the top of your head. (Called the Crown chakra in yoga tradition.)
The Crown Pull is a physical stretch that literally opens this chakra so energy can move through it. It clears the cobwebs from your mind by calming your nervous system and stimulating blood flow to your head.
Other benefits of this exercise are:
• Releasing mental congestion
• Helping overcome insomnia
• Strengthening memory
• Opening the Crown chakra to higher inspiration
• Refreshing your thinking ability
To do the Crown Pull (it takes about 15 seconds), start by breathing deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. Then follow these steps:
1. Start with your thumbs on your temples, fingertips resting in the middle of your forehead.
2. Apply pressure and slowly pull your fingers apart, stretching the skin. Breathe deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat if it feels good.
3. Place your fingertips at your hairline and repeat the stretch.
4. Repeat this pattern starting at the top, center, and back of your head. Continue until you reach the base of your neck.
5. Move down to your shoulders, and then push your fingers in and hold. Then pull across your shoulders towards the front. Hold your hands there until it feels right, and then release and drop your hands & arms.
I hope you found this to be helpful as you navigate Aquarius season. If you find yourself stuck and looking for clarity, please reach out for intuitive energy support.
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