In these monthly “readings,” I find meaning in each month’s astrological positioning and connect it to the physical body and my intuitive take on the universal energy. My goal is to provide guidance and understanding as a collective. Each month is applicable to everyone.
The Stars
As we usher in the cycle of Capricorn, which begins December 22nd and ends on January 20th, we return to the feeling of grounding and logic characteristic of an Earth sign. The previous cycle’s Sagittarius energy guided us to create our goals, and this cycle’s Capricorn energy helps to solidify them. This astrological sign is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, mastery, and rules. Usually, the hard work of putting together details with great care goes unnoticed … until it appears to everyone’s surprise and delight.
The Body
In the body, Capricorn rules the joints. Joints create flexibility and movement between solid bones. The knees and joints are very important in supporting our legs—as we take steps and move forward, flowing with all the necessary changes for our Divine Plan on this planet. Our knees represent being humble in front of the Divine as we bend our knees in prayer and meditation. If we are flexible to changes in our lives, our bodies will stay flexible.
Tips for This Cycle:

square breathing technque
The shape of a square is reflected in the cube. There are six equal-sided squares that form a cube shape. The cube represents the earth, and the earth’s consciousness is about grounding your desired intentions into reality. It is about finding peace in the midst of movement.
Square breathing involves breathing in, holding the breath, exhaling, and holding it again — all for four counts apiece. Repeat the cycle for several minutes. This anxiety relief exercise promotes relaxation and leads to clearer thoughts.

Releasing the Diaphragm Muscle
The diaphragm is attached to the lower ribs and the lumbar vertebrae of the spine. Tension in the lower back will impede the smooth function of the diaphragm, which is your main breathing muscle. Energetically, the diaphragm can hold stuck energy and fears.
To loosen the diaphragm, start with Pelvic Circles. Place your feet hip-width apart and become aware of your breath. Gently and slowly circle your pelvis clockwise six to seven times while keeping your head and shoulders as still as possible. Imagine that you are breathing into your belly, pelvis, and lower back. Next, circle counterclockwise six to seven times. Notice any changes in this body area.
Stretch the diaphragm by standing up straight and then bending at the hip joints so that your body forms a 90-degree angle. Breathe in, and then on the out-breath, use the four fingers of both hands to reach under the bottom of your rib cage on both sides and pull outward to stretch. Repeat three or four times as you move your fingers closer in towards the sternum, pulling outward to stretch the muscle. Sit or stand and notice what you’re feeling, like more space and a lack of tension.
I hope you found this to be helpful as you navigate the Capricorn season. If you find yourself stuck and looking for clarity, please reach out for intuitive energy support.
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